Business Broadband
With more and more applications moving from customer premises and into the cloud, it’s essential you can connect your business and workforce reliably and at high speeds. our full range of business broadband services includes fibre broadband using fibre to the cabinet (fttc), converged broadband and assured broadband dedicated to our voice services.
Our business broadband is designed exclusively for the business market – offices and homeworkers. our network has been built to provide high-quality products and services and this is supported by a highly-skilled group of uk-based support staff and engineers. our unique assured services are designed for ip telephony, whether it’s for anywhere net sip trunks or our hosted voice service.
Leased Line
Our range of high speed data services connect your business directly to anywhere net's next generation national network and to the internet. We can meet all your growing bandwidth needs while letting you take full advantage of everything cloud-based services have to offer.
The traditional WAN architecture was limited to enterprise, branch, and data center. Once an organisation adopts cloud-based applications in the form of SaaS and IaaS, its WAN architecture experiences an explosion of traffic accessing applications distributed across the globe.
These changes have multiple implications for it. Employee productivity may be compromised by SaaS-application performance problems. WAN expenses can rise with inefficient use of dedicated and backup circuits. It fights a daily, complex battle of connecting multiple types of users with multiple types of devices to multiple cloud environments.