Your Complete Retail Communication Solution……

Boost in-store sales with push-to-talk headsets powered by a robust cloud-hosted retail communication system


One unified voice channel for retail communication devices

With x-hoppers, each store associate gets a wireless communication headset that links them to a single, always-on channel. When other staff need assistance with customers, have a question or want to make an announcement, it instantly goes through to all other clerks on the secure voice line.

QR code call points to facilitate customer inquiries

No more unsanitary, hard-to-find call points: x-hoppers makes calling a store associate as simple as scanning a printed QR code. Once the customer scans a printed code with their smartphone, the x-hoppers system issues an alert that someone in that department needs assistance.

Big data collection for predictive analytics

Why should analyzing shopper trends be available only for e-commerce? Thanks to the QR code call system in x-hoppers, your store can track customer interest and engagement right in your physical shop. The system tracks and logs every scan to build big data on how your customers are interacting with product lineups and more.

 Reduce shrinkage with AI powered security cameras


Have a keen eye on your security camera footage at all times. Thanks to an integration with Veesion, x-hoppers continuously tracks and analyzes movement on your shop’s CCTVs to automatically pick up on suspicious actions that may indicate shoplifting or other threats. Once the system notices a security risk, it issues an automatic alert to staff over the x-hoppers headsets. Better than simple surveillance, that brings you reliable, fully automatic tracking of possible threats and breaches. 


 Grow your in-store experience by leaps and bounds,
only with x-hoppers

Wireless communication headsets, all hosted in the cloud

Keep extra hardware to a minimum with your x-hoppers deployment. Once you’re set up with the package’s hands-free communication headsets, the rest of the set is purely virtual, bringing you the accompanying retail software via SaaS hosted in the cloud. With x-hoppers, you get the best of cloud business solutions and retail communication devices, all delivered with maximum convenience.

The reliability of team communication headsets + the security of DECT technology

x-hoppers delivers the best in convenient retail communication solutions by combining a simple headset design with a fully secure voice channel. With simple controls and tactile button operation, the x-hoppers team communication headsets take minimal training to use in everyday retail. Then, each device is connected via a digital enhanced cordless telecommunications (DECT) channel — strong enough to cover your whole store’s area but running separate from Wi-Fi for added reliability.

Full integration with UCC solutions

With x-hoppers, your retail communication headsets become part of a holistic retail communication app. Unlike other SaaS solutions for retail, Wildix integrates store-based headsets to your business’s main communications system, both letting the devices work as a way to receive customer calls and routing call data and customer engagement analytics to a central system. Altogether, it brings you communications SaaS, retail analytics and store floor convenience wrapped in one simple cloud-hosted package.

x-hoppers at your store means:


All departments covered at all times

Use the x-hoppers comms headsets to organize staff to cover departments in real-time, or instantly ask one another for input on department-specific customer inquiries. You even get alerts from self-service tills or click-and-collect. With x-hoppers, store operations are truly unified and easier than ever to coordinate.

Security alerts issued instantly

In public places, safety can never afford to wait. Running x-hoppers at your store means employees can use their team communication headsets to instantly call in security issues or shoplifting attempts, keeping the whole shop immediately aware of potential threats. Plus, x-hoppers even supports additional integrations for AI endpoints, including ones managing security cameras, to ensure staff receive alerts as soon as the store’s cameras recognise an issue.

Experts available anywhere

Thanks to the virtual call points from x-hoppers, customers can ask for staff assistance from any shelf where you choose to display a QR code. Plus, by talking on headsets, your staff can work as one to instantly answer every customer inquiry with total knowledge and confidence.

Fewer messes, better presentation

Forget all your guests hearing “cleanup on aisle seven” blasted over the PA: x-hoppers means staff can send discreet alerts about messes, mis-shelved products and more, all over their secure comms headset channel.

Analytics for easy feedback

With its precise analytics, x-hoppers shows you how many people have connected to the system’s broadcast, the number of interactions, how quick response times were and more. For more in-depth analysis, the system even automatically transcribes conversations over the in-store headsets for a faster way to review how your staff collaborates. All that allows you to tailor-fit staff training to your specific customer service needs.

Better staffed self-checkout

As convenient as self-checkout tills are, they slow to a crawl the second a customer scans alcohol or any other product that needs staff approval. But with x-hoppers, self-checkout gets back up to full speed thanks to a discrete call automatically broadcast over linked devices, informing your team someone needs attention.

 Not just a hands-free communication headset: x-hoppers gives physical stores a way to leap ahead of their biggest issues

Don’t just coast along as normal — get a jump on
common retail issues